Farmfresh Fine Foods has a proud history as a family owned and operated company based in one of Australia’s premier fresh food hubs, Bundaberg, Queensland. We are highly experienced in developing high quality, innovative and customised vegetable solutions for Australian and international customers.
Farmfresh Fine Foods understands that when it comes to the highly competitive food industry, quality is paramount but so is the ability to differentiate. With access to a reliable supply of diverse produce and flexible processes, we can work with you to develop vegetable supply solutions tailored to meet your exact needs. Furthermore, we can grow with you through our ability to efficiently scale production according to the requirements of your business.

A business with family heritage
Farmfresh Fine Foods is a second-generation, family-owned and operated Australian food technology and manufacturing company leading the development of innovative, customised vegetable solutions for Australian and international industrial and foodservice markets.

Farmfresh Fine Foods produces an extensive range of chargrilled, roasted or blanched frozen vegetables. Our products can be diced, sliced, pureed or blended with special ingredients, or sauces to meet customer needs.
Sustainability Is Our Business
We are certainly lucky in Australia to have a reasonably reliable supply of fresh food, even when certain parts of the country are struggling with what Mother Nature is throwing at them. One of the side effects of this relative luxury though is that in the past, as a...
Five Sensational Ways to Use Charworks Roast Vegetables
Roast vegetables will always be a timeless favourite and chargrilled roast veges in particular are definitely on trend at the moment. Our Charworks range makes it easy to put that distinctive flavour on your menu. The ways you can use Charworks are only limited by...
What it Means to be a Legacy Family
Right from the beginning, our core values have always driven our actions and decisions in the present so that in the future we will continue to have a business that we are proud of - and others are proud to be involved with. Farm Fresh Fine Foods is part of the...